Quantum Paspalum Liquid 5-3-18
Quantum Paspalum is a liquid low nitrogen input fertiliser, specifically formulated for paspalum grasses. The 5-3-18 analysis offers minimal nitrogen, ideal for paspalum, and high levels of potassium help improve disease resistance. The added seaweed, amino acids and a full trace element package boost overall plant health and offer improved turf performance, particularly in warmer climates.
Rate of use: 40-80lt/Ha
Water rate: 300-600 lt/ha
Mode of Application: Sprayer
- Added seaweed for plant stress relief, growth stimulation and hormonal balance
- Additional amino acids aid nitrogen metabolism and help to prevent plant stress
- Fully tank mixable with other products ensuring ease of adding further trace elements
- Also available in 200 lt and 1,000 lt pack sizes
- Formulation to specifically suit warm season grasses such as Paspalum