+254 722 206627    Karen Park, Ngong Road        info@agroturf.co.ke

Compass Comp Seaweed

Compass Comp Seaweed

Compass Composted Seaweed is a 100% organic product. It comprises of fine 1.5mm homogenous prills, leading to long lasting micronutrient and biostimulant activity. Used as a soil improver, it builds up the humus structure of the soil, stimulates microbial activity, and provides a range of micro nutrients as well as vitamins and alginates. A single application provides a slow-acting, long lasting plant food which is broken down over a period of months by the soil bacteria providing a health benefit to all sports turf.

Rate of use:    35-75 g/m2

Water rate:     N/A

Mode of Application:  Spreader

  • Improves the humus structure of the soil, helping moisture and nutrient retention
  • Regular applications will help to rectify calcium imbalance
  • Aids plant recovery after periods of high stress
  • Fully organic, composted seaweed containing a wide range of micronutrients
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